John Jones Talsarn

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John Jones Talsarn
Pregethwr Y Bobl/The People’s Preacher

Alan C. Clifford

306 pages pbk £9.99 (p&p extra)

ISBN 978-0-9555165-8-0

Available from 1 August 2013 from
Charenton Reformed Publishing (
or the author (at [email protected] or 01953 453803)

Available in due course also via Amazon

Looking back over nearly two millennia of British Christian history, Welsh Calvinistic Methodism is arguably the purest example of the Christianity of Christ and His Apostles. Scanning the era from Daniel Rowland (1713-90) to Henry Rees (1798-1869), the author believes that this attained its most powerful expression during the ministry and influence of John Jones, Talsarn (1796-1857). In this English tribute, Dr Clifford seeks to demonstrate that John Jones’s timeless testimony is precisely what is needed for a 21st century revival of Christianity.

David Llewellyn Jenkins writes:

John Jones, Talsarn: The People’s Preacher tells an important story. With encouragements for the dispirited believer on every page, Alan Clifford may have come along just in time to rescue the legacy of John Jones from undeserved oblivion. The appendices … include a section on the preacher David Lloyd Jones, John’s youngest son. Most appealing of all are the extracts from a 1907 Welsh biography of John’s wife Fanny, deftly and sensitively rendered into English by Marian Clifford. Fanny’s story, pulsing with humanity and not infrequently moving, merits a wide readership on its own account. This is the most heartfelt and enjoyable work I have read from this author. It is impossible not to be captivated by his love of his subject… All preachers ought to buy this book, but no one will read it without spiritual profit.