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A Selection of Hymns and Psalms

Alan C. Clifford

40pp pbk £3.00

ISBN 0-9526716-8-9

Dr Clifford does not rush things; these hymn texts were written over a thirty year period. The first six are published in a total of four different evangelical hymnals, while the rest still await larger usefulness. All the texts are robustly Scriptural, clearly doctrinal yet sometimes Wesleyan in their bold fervour.

Notice the older pronouns. But the author is not a kind of English Vernon Higham; he has left his earlier thee/thou mode unaltered, while moving more recently into a more accessible style. As his brief Introduction says, ‘No cogent case can he made in favour of AV pronouns as if they are more appropriate for religious use. Neither are archaic forms more intrinsically devotional’. He believes that ‘both types of hymn may still happily co-exist’; but if he is no reviser; his movement on the language issue could well he noted by others who are ‘Reformed’ only on condition that reform happened three or four centuries ago.Christopher Idle News of Hymnody