

"Our Judeo-Christian Heritage"

or JOHN WESLEY REMEMBERED A 24 MAY ‘WESLEY DAY’ AND WILBERFORCE CELEBRATION WITH A PRIMITIVE METHODIST EPILOGUE “Methodism not Marxism, Protestantism not Popery, Christianity not Islam” A Reformed Pastor Reflects Dr Alan C. Clifford
BLUNDER IN BALA by Dr Alan C. Clifford

A Tale of Two Bicentenaries

Blunder in Bala (1823)
by Dr Alan C. Clifford "BE BIBLICAL, BALANCED AND ABOVE-BOARD" On a crucial point of gospel doctrine, such criteria for a Christian confession were absent in the formulation and final discussion of the Calvinistic Methodist Confession of Faith in 1823.
THE FIGHT OF FAITH. Christian Soldiers in Spiritual Conflict
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul expounds the Christian Faith. We learn the great truths of salvation — the redeeming work of the glorious triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Chapter 1). We also learn that because of our sin, we are powerless to save ourselves unless God exerts the power of His grace (chapter 2). Having established our minds and hearts in the truth and experience of the Gospel, Paul then directs how we should live in relation to others in (1) wider society, (2) the fellowship of the church and (3) within our families (chapters 3-6: 9).
John Wesley Remembered – Dr Alan C. Clifford
A 'Wesley Day' Wilberforce 'BLM' Edition. "Methodism not Marxism". A Reformed Pastor Reflects
The Gospel According to Matthew Henry
A revision of a paper first given at the Matthew Henry Conference held at Chester University, 14-16 July 2014.
“Amyraut Affirmed or ‘Owenism, a caricature of Calvinism'” by Alan C. Clifford
A reply to Ian Hamilton’s Amyraldianism - is it modified Calvinism?
“Reformed Praise” by Alan C. Clifford
A Selection of Hymns and Psalms
“Calvinus – Authentic Calvinsim – A Clarification” by Alan C. Clifford
This book explores the hotly debated question: did John Calvin teach limited atonement?... It is the author's view that the authentic biblical legacy of John Calvin challenges the 'confessional correctness' of Westminster Confession 'Owenite' orthodoxy.
“The Designs of Christ’s Death” by John Roberts, Llanbrynmair
Edited by Alan C. Clifford
“Calvin Celebrated – The Genevan Reformer and His Huguenot Sons” by Alan C. Clifford
A contribution to the John Calvin Quincentenary 1509–2009
“Ryle on Redemption: The Gospel According to John Charles Ryle” Compiled and Edited by Alan C. Clifford
Distinct from his devotional comments, this work consists of doctrinal extracts from J. C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John (The Banner of Truth Trust). They reveal his views on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, especially on the extent of the atonement and related doctrines of the Reformed Faith.
Backing Baxter – publication in preparation
In preparation THE GOSPEL TRUTH Honouring Richard Baxter and the Baxterian Brotherhood Selected Writings of Alan C. Clifford Edited by Jean-Moïse de Charenton
For Whom Christ Died: Baxter’s Biblical Balance
"The ‘Limited Atonement’ disciples of Theodore Beza and John Owen teach that Christ died for the elect ALONE. The ‘Universal Atonement’ disciples of Jakob Arminius and John Wesley teach that Christ died for ALL. Richard Baxter - urging an avoidance of extremist exegesis - maintained that the Bible demands a balanced view..."
Baxter’s Biblical Gospel
"It is further proved by the sufferings of his Son, that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Would he have ransomed them from death at so dear a rate?..."
Oliver Cromwell
The quatercentenary of Oliver Cromwells birth in 1599 was justly celebrated. While the late twentieth century probably provided more detractors than admirers, none can deny the Lord Protectors heroic qualities, integrity of character and sincere Christian convictions. In addition to the articles, books and programmes occasioned by the anniversary, this booklet sought to make a small contribution to the celebration.
Amyraut Affirmed
An influential theologian of the French Reformed Church, Moise Amyraut (1596-1664), was Professor of Theology at the Reformed Academy of Saumur...This booklet is a reply to a recent critique of Amyraut's controversial views. The author demonstrates that far from being alien to Calvinism, Amyraldianism may be seen as an authentic expression of John Calvin's misunderstood teaching. The author thus maintains that the ultra-orthodox theology of John Owen and the Westminster Confession of Faith demands a radical reassessment and revision.