Seeking to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in a country that needs Him
We invite you to consider the proposed English Reformed Church, seeking to make known the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ to a nation that needs Him.
This is our website where you will find information and resources which we hope will prove a spiritual blessing to you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
What’s new?
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John Calvin and Trinitarian Grace |
In response to the anti-Amyraldian criticism that the particular election of the Father and a universal redemption by the Son introduces inter-personal disharmony within the Godhead, it is clear from Calvin that all three persons concur in redeeming activity, each in a dualistic way. Thus no disharmony exists at all. | Download |
Amyraut And His Friends |
Advocates of the 'limited atonement' doctrine of the Westminster Confession really reflect an 'ultra-reformed' mindset. While the Amyraldians taught the truths of predestination and divine election, they also maintained - as the Bible does - that the death of Christ has a universal availability. Notwithstanding the paradox involved in such a view, we are able to cite numerous authors from previous and subsequent centuries who believed and taught the same. | Download |
Charles Drelincourt: Amyraldian sympathiser? |
Born at Sedan of godly Huguenot parents in 1595, Charles Drelincourt became one of the great lights of the French Reformed Church. Having studied at the Reformed Academy in Sedan, his preparation for the ministry was completed at the famous Academy of Saumur. Following his ordination in June 1618, Drelincourt became the pastor of a Reformed congregation near Langres. Two years later, he was called to minister to the large congregation at Charenton near Paris, his first sermon being preached there on 15 March 1620. | Download |
Oliver Cromwell |
The quatercentenary of Oliver Cromwells birth in 1599 was justly celebrated. While the late twentieth century probably provided more detractors than admirers, none can deny the Lord Protectors heroic qualities, integrity of character and sincere Christian convictions. In addition to the articles, books and programmes occasioned by the anniversary, this booklet sought to make a small contribution to the celebration. | Download |
Amyraut Affirmed |
An influential theologian of the French Reformed Church, Moise Amyraut (1596-1664), was Professor of Theology at the Reformed Academy of Saumur...This booklet is a reply to a recent critique of Amyraut's controversial views. The author demonstrates that far from being alien to Calvinism, Amyraldianism may be seen as an authentic expression of John Calvin's misunderstood teaching. The author thus maintains that the ultra-orthodox theology of John Owen and the Westminster Confession of Faith demands a radical reassessment and revision. | Download |
Introduction to Davenant’s Dissertation on the Death of Christ |
"Quinta Press is to be congratulated for making this new edition of Bishop Davenant's excellent treatise available to a new generation of readers. It is welcome for two reasons. First, in the context of past and ongoing debates between Calvinists and Arminians over the extent of the Atonement, the author's long-neglected treatise remains an invaluable and significant contribution to a proper understanding of this fundamental subject. Indeed, for reasons to be explained, what one may call the 'Davenant dimension' has been sadly lacking for too long... | Download |
The Joy of the Puritans |
"To many people, 'joy' and 'puritan' are about as compatible as 'kindness' and 'Genghis Khan'! Whereas the early Methodists were known for their joy, such an emotion hardly springs to mind in the case of the Puritans...So, what is the truth? Were the Puritans killjoys or not?" | Download |
Book review of J.I. Packer’s “Among God’s Giants”. |
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Lecture on French Ecclesiology, “Bishop or Presbyter?” |
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Book review of “Richard Hooker and the Authority of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason” by Nigel Atkinson. |
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