Seeking to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in a country that needs Him


We invite you to consider the proposed English Reformed Church, seeking to make known the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ to a nation that needs Him.

This is our website where you will find information and resources which we hope will prove a spiritual blessing to you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

What’s new?

Jesus Christ, Saviour for all seasons, Man for all Millennia
Christians are under pressure to question the uniqueness of our Lord Jesus Christ. This multi-faith madness must be resisted. This leaflet explains why Christ is in a 'league' of His own! Once the Bible's testimony to His glorious deity, tender humanity, all-sufficient grace and supreme authority is grasped, the 'competition' simply fades away.
God our Refuge
Sometimes life can be tough. Christians are not immune from trouble and tragedy. Even unbelievers who accuse us of using religion as a 'crutch' are not as self-sufficient as they pretend. The words of Moses in Deuteronomy 33:27 are a great comfort, inviting us to find refuge in the living God.
A National Scandal
The National Lottery is a national scandal. It is state sponsored selfishness; Government led worship at the shrine of godless gain, promoted by blatantly blasphemous advertising.
Charismatic Confusion Corrected
One can only warn that the Charismatic movement is dangerous. It undermines the authentic, historic, apostolic faith. Its stress on the experiential at the expense of the doctrinal issues of the faith misses the emphasis of the New Testament. However, true doctrine will lead to true experience. This leaflet sets out the true meaning of Paul's words. It also warns against the dangers of the Alpha course and its deceptive ecumenicity.
Becoming a Christian
So, you are convinced that you are a sinner in need of salvation, and you want to become a Christian? That's wonderful! You have heard or read the 'good news' of John 3: 16. You have discovered that Jesus, the Son of God came into the world to die for you and bring you peace with the holy, sinhating but merciful and sinner-loving God of the universe. Now you need to know what to do next.
Europe for Christ
British Euro-scepticism operates on two levels. In political terms, UK citizens are rightly concerned at the undemocratic character of EU institutions and their highly-centralised bureaucracies. The proposed new Constitution of the European Union ought to alarm all who value the political heritage of the United Kingdom. In religious terms, British Protestant Christians have just cause to suspect the on-going politicoreligious aspirations of the Roman Catholic Church.
NRC manifesto
What we do and do not believe This leaflet is designed to provide a brief statement of our convictions in the context of current religious thought and practice.
King David, 'the man after God's own heart' knew what it was to be 'stressed out' and 'falling apart'. On one occasion he wrote: 'In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry entered His ears' (2 Sam. 22: 7/ Psalm 18: 6). David's faith was sometimes weak but far from futile.
Road Map
None can deny that we live in a turbulent and vicious world. Conflict and animosity - personal, domestic, religious and political - are commonplace. The arms industries of the world have plenty of customers. Despite highpowered diplomatic activity by the UN and other agencies, the human appetite for war seems unquenchable. Indeed, popular TV and video entertainment suggests there is a mass market for violence.
War and Peace
King David, 'the man after God's own heart' knew what it was to be 'stressed out' and 'falling apart'. On one occasion he wrote: 'In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry entered His ears' (2 Sam. 22: 7/ Psalm 18: 6). David's faith was sometimes weak but far from futile.