Seeking to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in a country that needs Him


We invite you to consider the proposed English Reformed Church, seeking to make known the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ to a nation that needs Him.

This is our website where you will find information and resources which we hope will prove a spiritual blessing to you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

What’s new?

“No Place Like Rome” by Alan C. Clifford
Celebrating the Quincentenary of Martin Luther's bold, Bible-based "Here I stand!" testimony during the glorious Protestant Reformation (2021)
“Bishop or Presbyter?” by Alan C. Clifford
French Reformed Ecclesiology in 1559
“The True Way of Salvation” Presented and Edited by Alan C. Clifford
Avoiding Legalism and Antinomianism. Extracts from The Saints’ Everlasting Rest (1650) by Richard Baxter (1615-91)
“1966 REVISITED: GOING OR STAYING – IS THIS THE QUESTION? 1966 Revisited: Going or Staying – Is this the Question?” by Alan C. Clifford
Following a wide-ranging historical and theological survey, this is the conclusion of a paper first given at the 1987 Church Society Spring Conference, 'The Reasons for Past failure of Evangelical Unity'. For the complete and fully-referenced paper see The True Unity of the Church (London: Church Society (1987), 30-49).
“The Crown, A Conference, and its Consequences” by Alan C. Clifford
King James I, the Hampton Court Conference and the Authorised Version of the Bible THE FORGOTTEN FACTS
“Puritans Vindicated” by Alan C. Clifford – Part 2
A 350th Anniversary Commemoration of the Norwich & Norfolk Ministers Ejected from their Churches by the Act of Uniformity, 1662.
“Puritans Vindicated” by Alan C. Clifford – Part 1
A 350th Anniversary Commemoration of the Norwich & Norfolk Ministers Ejected from their Churches by the Act of Uniformity, 1662.
“Amyraut Affirmed or ‘Owenism, a caricature of Calvinism'” by Alan C. Clifford
A reply to Ian Hamilton’s Amyraldianism - is it modified Calvinism?
“The Westminster Directory of Public Worship (1645)” by Alan C. Clifford
A paper first presented to the 1989 Westminster Conference in London
“Sex Sorted – Its Rights and Wrongs” by Alan C. Clifford
The true Christian Safe Sex Guide